Julia Smith's profile

ROSES Student Awards 2012: The Sculptree

The Sculptree
Roses Student Awards 2012: Tree Hugger
This is my work for the 2012 Roses Student Awards

Tree Hugger
Create the branding, naming and launch campaign for a Museum of Trees. This could cover signage, way finding, merchandise, viral campaigns, in any media you feel appropriate.

THE SOLUTION: I created a museum based around 'tree shaping'. This is an art form which requires trees to be manipulated in to different shapes to create furniture, or just interesting 'living' art. I based my logo on the curved forms produced by the tree shaping by adding calligraphic elements to the type.
The advertising hints that the trees are celebrities, compared with 'regular' trees, and the posters talk about their experiences of being a celebrity.
The billboards also go along with this idea, and are lit up at night time. One is highlighted with a spotlight, and the other would have LED lights in simulating the flash of paparazzi cameras.
The wristband is your entry ticket. Instead of having children's, adults and concession tickets, they use the names of different stages of a tree's growth with the 'date planted:' being the date of entry.
I also created an invite for the opening ceremony. This includes a packet of seeds which h the attendee would take with them to the event and plant in the museum's gardens so they can grow in to future exhibits.
ROSES Student Awards 2012: The Sculptree

ROSES Student Awards 2012: The Sculptree

Work for Roses Student Creativity Awards 2012
